Whether you're new to NAIFA, or have been a member for several years, this section provides you with resources geared specifically to your career development needs as a young insurance or financial advisor. We provide you with a variety of tools that you can use to better equip yourself to overcome challenges and achieve your professional goals. Learn ideas on how to grow your business, take advantage of NAIFA's first-rate sales and skills training and receive discounts on a range of professional resources.
NAIFA created the Young Advisors Team (YAT) for members who are 40 years of age and under, or within their first five years in the industry. Purpose is to ensure that young and new advisors receive the vital tools, resources, and networks necessary to succeed in the financial services industry.
There is no cost associated with being part of YAT; if you're 40 and under or within your first five years in the business, you are automatically part of YAT. Make sure that the Date of Birth and License Year fields in your profile are completed. If you're not sure if this information is in your profile, call our Member Service Center at 877-TONAIFA (877-866-2432) to verify.
The National YAT Committee works closely with other NAIFA national committees to develop future programs and membership initiatives. We always welcome your input! Send your ideas and comments to

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The mission of the Young Advisors Team (YAT) is to SOW the value of membership with new and young advisors, so they are empowered to SURVIVE their first years in the business, to GROW into involved NAIFA members and become successful advisors who THRIVE in the industry and our association.