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Contribution Form


Your Business Protection Insurance.

The Insurance and Financial Advisors Political Action Committee (IFAPAC) mission is to help NAIFA advance the legislative and regulatory interests of NAIFA members and their clients by supporting campaigns of candidates for both state and federal public offices. Regardless of party IFAPAC supports legislators who understand the important role agents and advisors play in protecting the financial future of 90 million American families across the country.


IFAPAC collectively represents all the Political Action Committees (PACs) sponsored by NAIFA at the federal and state levels.  Each PAC has a separate fund dedicated to supporting legislators in their jurisdiction. Of approximately 5,000 political action committees registered with the Federal Election Commission, NAIFAPAC consistently ranks in the top tier and is the insurance industry standard-setting PAC. In the last election cycle, the NAIFAPAC contributed about $1.3 million to federal candidates.


The power of IFAPAC comes from YOU, our members! By combining the resources of NAIFA members we can reach legislators on both sides of the aisle in Austin and Capitol Hill.  This ensures our grassroots advocates (YOU) and professional staff are able to educate lawmakers on issues important to insurance agents, financial advisors and their clients. Learn More

NAIFA-New Mexico PAC

The NAIFA-New Mexico PAC, other state IFAPACs and the NAIFAPAC contribute approximately $2.5 million to federal and state candidates and committees each election cycle. An important aspect of our work in this industry is through PAC. Being able to contribute to those who understand our association's priorities is crucial. Please remember to develop relationships with your legislators and let us know of those connections!


When you make a contribution to IFAPAC, your entire contribution is automatically directed to NAIFA's federal PAC. Your contributions will only be divided between IFAPAC National and the NAIFA-New Mexico PAC, if you have directed NAIFA to do so. If you would like to share your IFAPAC contribution between NAIFA's federal PAC and the NAIFA-New Mexico PAC, please complete and submit a NAIFA Member Directive Form to IFAPAC. 

You must be a current NAIFA member in order to make a contribution to IFAPAC


NAIFA's Political Action Committee is the top PAC in the insurance industry and ranks among the top one percent of all 3,700 PACs registered with the Federal Election Commission. In the last election cycle, the national IFAPAC and the 50 state IFAPACs contributed approximately $3 million to federal and state candidates and committees.

The term Insurance and Financial Advisors Political Action Committee (IFAPAC) describes the PAC sponsored by NAIFA at the federal level and the PACs sponsored by each state association.


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